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The Tide of Intelligent Warehousing AGV Has Come, and the Future Market is Immeasurable!

In recent years, smart warehousing robots have swept the world. Since Amazon acquired Kiva Systems, a warehousing robot for US$775 million, there have been continuous news that world-renowned companies have entered the market for smart warehousing robots. Domestic companies such as Xinsong, Haikang, and Jiashun have also One after another, intelligent warehousing robots have become the focus of the industry. Nowadays, unmanned warehouses have also become standard for logistics companies.

Ten advantages of using intelligent AGV warehouse robots:

1. Improve logistics management - AGV unmanned trolleys can make the placement of goods more orderly, tidy and standardized;

2. Reliable scheduling capability - data analysis and remote control through the AGV central control system;

3. Prevention of damage to goods - if manual handling of goods is carried out, the product may be damaged due to the irregular operation or negligence of manual labor, but handling by AGV trolley can avoid the loss caused by this mistake for the enterprise;

4. Flexible site requirements - AGV trolleys require much narrower roadways than traditional forklifts, and the AGV system can change the changing path anytime and anywhere;

5. Long-distance transportation - AGV system can effectively carry out transportation at any site, reducing waste of human resources;

6. Optimize the process flow - AGV robots can easily connect many processes according to needs, and more intuitively discover the rationality of the arrangement of site processes;

7. Special working environment - AGV unmanned trucks can work in environments where personnel are not suitable or have potential safety hazards;

8. Safety - The guided movement path of the AGV robot is very clear, the AGV will automatically stop when it encounters obstacles on the driving path, and the human-driven vehicle is biased due to human judgment, so the AGV improves the safety;

9. Cost control - AGV robots can save a lot of labor and quickly recover investment, while increasing the employee turnover rate for boring mechanical handling work.

10. Make reasonable use of the existing area, improve the corporate image and workshop cleanliness, and realize unmanned production.

With the continuous improvement of technical capabilities, automation technology is widely used in the circulation and warehousing systems of various industries. Especially in recent years, the rise of e-commerce and fast logistics methods has led to the vigorous development of the automated logistics and warehousing market.

According to the statistics of the China Logistics Technology Association Information Center, the domestic automated logistics and warehousing system market has grown rapidly at an average annual rate of 23% in the past 16 years. In the past 6 years, benefiting from the promotion of consumption upgrades and the development of intelligent manufacturing, the growth rate has gradually accelerated. It is estimated that the scale of the automated logistics equipment market will exceed 260 billion yuan in 2022.

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